Designed by Bryan Watson @ Copyright Leslie D Bush 2022
The Journey
The Journey, an update
Greetings, valued reader of my site.
You will have noticed that Bryan and I have changed the format. We hope the result is a more targeted and focused presentation. There are now four headings along the top: Home, Profile (about me), Books (In print), and “My book of poems and quotes”.
Under the last category, you will find all the poems I have shared to date. These have been collated under the title, “My Book of Poems”. Where is the book? How do we get it? You might ask. As readers of this site, you get it free, in digital form. I add to my collection of poems, regularly, and have many of my older ones currently unshared. So, I am confident that I will not run out of poems.
Further, under this heading,” My Book of Poems and Quotes” I can explore topics such as the contribution of other poets from the last century, the contribution of the singer/songwriters of the last 7 decades; and importantly, the role of poetry in fostering ethics and truth. You all lie, you might say. We delve under the surface to expose deeper truths